ASA 2020 – SALC Sessions

With ASA just around the corner, I wanted to be sure that you knew about SALC section activities (as well as ASA regular sessions on aging and the life course), and I encourage you all to take part in all the events listed below.  In addition to the opportunity for intellectual exchange that the paper sessions provide, there are two additional events to which I want to call your attention (one of which is not listed in the ASA virtual program).

The first is our mentoring event. As you all know, our mentoring dinner is often the highlight of the meetings for many SALC members. Not only does this venue provide an opportunity for junior and more senior members of the section to mingle and get to know one another, there is also a program that the professional development committee puts together based on the input of our student representatives to council. As always, everyone is encourage to take part in this mentoring program. Given our inability to have the dinner this year, it is all the more important for us to come together for this program.

The second is our section business meeting, which is listed in the program. This is an important opportunity for members to hear what the section has been doing, to find out about section awards, and to voice any concerns.  Please do come to hear from your elected representatives, and let us know what is on your minds!

Toni Calasanti

Friday – August 7, 2020

Mentoring Event

The SALC Mentoring Event will be held on Friday, August 7, 2020 on Zoom during the following times:
·  1:00pm-1:30pm Pacific Time (PDT)
·  2:00pm-2:30pm Mountain Time (MDT)
·  3:00pm-3:30pm Central Time (CDT)
·  4:00pm-4:30pm Eastern Time (EDT)

An email from SALC Chair Toni Calasanti to the SALC listserv contains the Zoom log-in information.

The mentoring event will feature a short program on “Navigating the Job Market During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” with speaker Dr. Jennifer A. Ailshire from the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California. Dr. Ailshire will present briefly (~10 min.) and we will then have a Q&A session right afterwards.

Please join us 10 minutes early before the start of the mentoring event so we can get you all set up (we have to admit you all into the Zoom room). 

If anyone has any questions and/or comments, do not hesitate to email Catherine Garcia (, Phil Cantu (, or Janet Wilmoth ( We look forward to connecting with you all at the mentoring event!

Saturday – August 8, 2020

Section Day
Note: All Zoom links for the following meetings are available in the ASA Online Program Portal

Age Matters: Explorations of Age Categories in Social Life
Session 1110
Time: 8:30am10:10am (PDT)

This session seeks to explore how age and age categories shape people’s social lives and experiences. Submissions might illuminate a wide range of topics, such as how age and age categories shape social identities, relations, interactions, expectations, conflict and cooperation, segregation and integration, stereotypes, discrimination, transitions, or language. New frontiers in theory and research on age lie in revealing its intersections with gender, race, and social class, and its roles in systems of power and inequality.

Organizer and Presider: Richard A. Settersten (Oregon State University)
Discussant: Anne E.Barrett (Florida State University)

“Age and the Classification of Asylum Seekers in Germany.” Ulrike Bialas (Princeton University)

“An Exploration of the Subjective Ages of Adulthood in Mexico, Mozambique, and Nepal.” Erick Axxe (The Ohio State University) and Sarah R. Hayford (The Ohio State University)

“Life Stage Differences in Types of Friends: A Comparison of Younger and Older Adults.” KeunBok Lee (UCLA)

“The Domino Effect of Off-Time Transitions.” Dawn R. Norris (University of Wisconsin-La Crosse)

“An Examination of Traditional-and Nontraditional-Aged Community College Student Experiences: Emerging Findings from PathTech LIFE.” Lakshmi Jayaram (University of South Florida) and Will Tyson (University of South Florida)

Diversity or Disadvantage? Interrogating How Social Inequality Shapes Life Course(s)
Session 1210
Time: 10:30am–12:10pm (PDT)

Life course scholarship has long called for attention to the diversity in life course paths, by gender, race/ethnicity, immigration status, or social class.  Yet implicit in the word “diversity” is a sense of benign differences between persons and groups, which obscures the vast social inequalities at play in shaping life chances and experiences. Seeking to identify a generalized understanding of how early experiences manifest in later life outcomes or focusing on normative transitions or trajectories does not place social inequality at the center of the inquiry.  This session calls for papers that interrogate such social inequalities and how they interact across the life course, manifesting in early, mid, and late life disparities.  Topics could include:  the effect of early economic disadvantage on the transition to adulthood; gendered life courses and access to key social institutions such as work; how structural racism limits intergenerational social mobility. 

Organizer and Presider: Jessica Kelley (Case Western Reserve University)

“Examining the Intergenerational Transfer of Wealth: The Effects of Student Loan Debt on Homeownership Outcomes.”  Hannah Judson and Eulalie Jean Laschever (DePaul University)

“Gender-Based Pathways to Cognitive Aging in the Mexican-Origin Population: The Significance of Work and Family.”  Sunshine Marie Rote (University of Louisville) and Jacqueline L. Angel (University of Texas-Austin)

“Intergenerational Bequeathal of Dis/Advantage: How Lacking Legal Status Derails Intra-Family Processes Promoting Upward Mobility.”  Robert Courtney Smith (City University of New York-Baruch College, Graduate Center)

“Romantic Relationship Patterns Across Early Adulthood: Cumulative Inequality, Turning Points for Health, or Something Else?”  Ashley Brooke Barr (SUNY-Buffalo)

SALC Roundtables
Time: 2:30pm4:10pm (PDT)

Table 1. Social Networks and Relationships
Table 2. Families, Households, and Living Arrangements
Table 3. Mental and Physical Health in Later Life I
Table 4. Mental and Physical Health in Late Life II
Table 5. Health and Well-Being Across the Life Course
Table 6. Research Working Group– Early Adversity and Adult Outcomes: Unanswered Questions and Future Research
Table 7. Strain, Stress, and Overload (PRE-RECORDED)

Business Meeting
Time: 4:30pm–5:30pm (PDT)

This is an important opportunity for members to hear what the section has been doing, to find out about section awards, and to voice any concerns.  Please do come to hear from your elected representatives, and let us know what is on your minds!

Sunday – August 9, 2020

Sociology of Aging
Session 2143
Time: 8:30am–10:10am (PDT)

Papers consider the impact of both life course inequalities and transitions in later life on experiences of old age.

Organizer: Toni Calasanti (Virginia Tech)
Presider: Sasha Shen Johfre (Stanford University)
Discussant: Michelle Pannor Silver (University of Toronto)

“Gender and the Subjective Well-being of Widowed Elders.” Jing Geng (Virginia Tech)

“Life Course Transitions, Personal Networks, and Social Support for LGBTQ+ Elders.” Stacy Torres (University of California, San Francisco) and Griffin R. Lacy (University at Albany, SUNY)

“An Intersectional, Life Course Approach to Understanding Health Disparities.” Emily Dore (Emory University) and Irene Browne (Emory University)

“Life Course Work and Income Instability and Retirement Financial Insecurity for Men and Women in Canada.” Miles G. Taylor (Florida State University), Dawn Celeste Carr (Florida State University) and Amelie Quesnel-Vallee (McGill University)

“Good Time, Bad Time: Socioeconomic Status and the Cultural Repertoires of Time Scarcity in Retirement.” Boroka B Bo (University of California, Berkeley)

Sociology of the Life Course
Session 2438
Time: 2:30pm–4:10pm (PDT)

Papers suggest new ways to think about and conduct life course research, and provide theoretical and empirical advances.

Organizer: Toni Calasanti (Virginia Tech)
Presider: Heili Pals (Texas A&M University)
Discussant: Steven Hitlin (University of Iowa)

“Relative Time in Life Course Research. Insights from a Prospective Qualitative Study.” Núria Sánchez Mira (University of Lausanne) and Laura Bernardi (UNIL)

“Where Do We Go from Here? Social Inequality in the Partnership-Parenthood Outcomes after the First Cohabitation.” Wenxuan Huang (Case Western Reserve University) and Jessica A. Kelley (Case Western Reserve University)

“Who Gets To Be An Adult: Status Reproduction in the Transition to Adulthood.” Rachel Karen (University of Texas-Austin)

“Extending the Scope of the Life Destandardization Thesis: Lifetime Employment and Residential Trajectories in Chile.” Tania Cabello-Hutt (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill) and Ignacio Madero-Cabib (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

“Religious Attendance and Physical Health in Later Life: A Life Course Approach.” Laura Upenieks (University of Texas at San Antonio) and Markus H. Schafer (University of Toronto)