


Membership fees are currently $13 for regular members, $10 for low-income members, and $6 for students.  You can add or renew your section membership at the ASA Membership Portal.

Benefits of Membership

Membership in the Section on Aging and the Life Course (SALC) brings you together with about 600 colleagues with varied concerns and approaches, but who share a common interest in age and aging as sociological phenomena. The Section’s relatively small size provides an opportunity to become involved in its various activities.

You receive the Section’s Newsletter and are added to SALC’s ASA Connect, which provide timely and helpful information about members, funding opportunities, publications, conferences, training workshops, news of the Section, its committees, and brief reviews of current methodological and substantive topics.

The Section organizes stimulating Research Paper sessions and Round Table discussions at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. In addition, each year the Section organizes a mentoring dinner, which allows scholars at all career stages to mingle. As well, the student council members organize a short program on a particular topic (e.g., writing grants). Due to the incredible fund-raising efforts of our Professional Development and Mentoring Committee Chair, Janet Wilmoth, these dinners are extremely low cost to regular members, and even less for graduate students.

Annually the Section presents the Matilda White Riley Distinguished Scholar Award, the Outstanding Publication Award, the Graduate Student Paper Award, and the Outstanding Mentor Award for outstanding contributions to the Section on Aging and the Life Course.

The Section’s activities are coordinated with and complement those of other organizations concerned with aging, such as the Gerontological Society of America.